Friday, July 31, 2009

Is there any govt programs availible to help convert your house to solar energy?

I have always wanted to find better means of providing energy for my house. Since "Green" is the new buzzword on the lips and hearts of all, I was wondering if the government had any grant programs to help "green" up your house?

Is there any govt programs availible to help convert your house to solar energy?
There are various state and federal programs available. It mainly depends where you live and various specs about your house and your income, etc. Check these links out and see what is available where you live. It will generally be in the form of tax credits, so if your income is low enough where you don't pay taxes, you may not be able to benefit from these programs. But hey - check it out and give it a shot.
Reply:Contact your local electrically provider. They will usually have information on these programs. The state of Florida offers a nice package to go solar with your water tank. It still costs more up front, but over the life of the unit, it pays for itself.

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