Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do you think of a tutorial software that teaches basic programming of C in Filipino-English language?

For any Filipino programmer / IT student:

What is your opinion regarding with a tutorial software, which teaches the basic programming of C? The medium of instruction is Taglish (that is, combination of Filipino and English languages).

We are currently conducting a survey, which has something to do with computer programming and software development. We do this for the feasibility study of our project. If you want to help us (i.e. answering the survey), please contact us: Send us an email.

What do you think of a tutorial software that teaches basic programming of C in Filipino-English language?
Its got to be english because it is the business language. Filipinos should learn the English language first properly so that he can read the tutorials.

Good resource books techinical or trade Journals are mostly written in English. This is where a technical person would upgrade his knowlegde by reading them. So if a student is used to reading Taglish he will have difficulty understanding them as well as improving himself. You should prepare world class students and that will need student who have high understandding of English language. We are now in living in Global world ,we can find jobs wherever we want to work as long as we are qulaified and can speak prper English.

The problem of Philippines was due to the Stupid Politicians who changed the medium of intructions from English to Pilipino in the 70's. Now Flipinos are sufferring due to the lack of fluent English speakers .The demand in BPOs and Call Center is very high and yet we have a high unemployment rate because the graduates can' not speak English well. BPOs and Call centers don't even require graduates to join them.Got that?

I say stupid politicians because these leaders and legislators are the ones who made the Philipines languish in poverty. One of them was the changing of the medium of instructions.

You can find Filipinos with good English skills who graduated in the early ' 70s and below. Most of them coming from public schools.

Don't fall on the trap of some lazy groups that wanted Taglish ,it will not do any good for the Philippines and its citizens.
Reply:I think a tutorial software for C basic programming,

specially one that is in Taglish would be very helpful

to people who would want to learn C programming.

Just make sure that the modules as designed for

structured learning so that the student's knowledge

grows as he progress in the tutorial,

Note : I have 20+ years in IT. I used to be a programmer.

Have a nice day !
Reply:that will be great!

i, myself, don't know C but i've been taught other languages in taglish by former colleagues. i believe that helped a lot because it got a lot of issues explained rapidly.
Reply:id rather have C++ and fully english or fully tagalog.

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