Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How i can start myself a game programming and design team?

Please give me some basics steps.

Just like in how many and what parts i should divide my team.

(one for 3d design\1 for audio recording\1 for programming)

How i can sell my first game?

I think you all got the point so please help me!


How i can start myself a game programming and design team?
First of all, like the other answerer said, do get to know your team but you can find qualified people on game programming forums, you just have to recognize those mature enough to actually stick with it and like your game idea. So throw out a game idea and see who bites.

Who you get for your team and how many are all dependent on what your game is. If you are new to games, you can probably get away with a 3-4 person team made up of an interface designer, 2D designer, someone for music and a couple programmers (programmers should really belong in teams to be useful). Those are teams for a simple 2D game which can be just as fun... take Little Fighter 2 over at www.download.com. It is 2D and been around for years and still very popular and fun to play.

If you are going for a 3D 1st person shooter or RPG you may want to beef up the team with a couple of 3D programmers, a game level designer, interface designer, and as many fluent programmers you can in the language you choose to make the game.

Once you have assembled a decent sized team, you break the game into tasks and assign tasks to each part of the team. Make sure they talk to one another on a regular basis and that everyone is buying into the vision of the game you have laid out.

Once you have a somewhat functional game, put it through harsh tests using some beta testers. You can have friends test it out and tell you what you think, but you should probably have a good qualified beta tester too if you can.

Fix everything up that is wrong and then throw a demo on a site like www.download.com as well as a few gaming sites. Also push it with a publisher using a sales person or you and your team. Generate some buzz.

If you are lucky and a lot of people like your game, you will start finding people wanting to buy. Once you are at this level, expand your team to include some technical support (by way of a web board and maybe phone if you have the capital).

Hope that helps answer your question and good luck with the game. I can't wait to play it.
Reply:First off get to know the people who you're planning to work with. Don't trust a forum or something. Then it depends on the game. I think 1 3d designer, 1 2d designer, 2 programmers and a musician are required. Then a good salesperson can come in a handy if you want to sell your game. You can sell it yourself or find a publisher which sells it for you. also make sure u got a handful of beta testers. But this is all relative and depends on the size and nature of game, a large game can require like 15 programmers etc..

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