Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I need some serious help with programming?

There's this programming book that we have assigned for us to do in computer science class - Second Edition Programming in True Basic Solving with Structure and Style by Stewart Venit and Sandra Schleiffers. We're doing programming programs 1-12, chapter 2, and I'm stuck on programming problem number 12... could somebody give me the answer on how to do this programming problem? If you could, THANKS A LOT !!!

I need some serious help with programming?
Just get a passing grade in the class, and bear in mind that BASIC is a language that is used primarily in schools to illustrate a particular kind of programming.

In the real business world, BASIC is passe' a dead language. BASIC is to certain kinds of computing what LATIN is to Science.

For someone to help you, who is not in your same schooling, they'd need to see what the question is, but it can be a copyright violation for you to copy the text here, so try to find a link.
Reply:All you have to do is create a table on the wins losses and percent of losses.

The table will look like this

Team 1 (Wins) (Losses) (Percent of Wins)

Team 2 (Wins) (Losses) (Percent of Wins)


The percent wins will be in a decimal form. 0.000. Make sure it has 3 places to the left of the decimal point. In order to do this you will have to use a specific Print statement, tabs, and carriages between lines.

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