Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Need Help With Programming a Prank Batch File?

Okay so what i want the program to do is once they click on the file it will say something like hi (just something to distract them) once they exit out of it the file will continue to count down for a few minutes then scare the crap out of them with a scary picture when they least expect it.

Need Help With Programming a Prank Batch File?
What language? This is fairly simple with a visual langage like VB, but handwriting the code is too much for here.

You just create the basic program window, display the message, give them a fake exit button, when they click it make the window invisible, then load an image file into the window and display it. Even better, display it along with a scary sound file that sounds like the computer is coming apart.


it does not exactly have the ability to do the picture thing you wanted but it can make programs that do a lot of stuff including freezing windows and shutting down.

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